6th January, 2024

It was a little steamy today, with almost no breeze at all. About mid afternoon the wind picked up and dropped the temps nicely and I was able to dry four and a half out of six loads of washing I did today. 

Roda came in and cleaned and vacuumed while I sorted and tidied and the house is now looking better for my first three day weekend in ages. I did another coat on the outside face of the back door of the craft room, I will do a coat on the inside tomorrow if it rains.

I did the washing today because it's supposed to close in by lunch time tomorrow and rain quite heavily. Geoff speculates that an el nino event will now have to be defined a bit differently, it seems climate change is making them hotter but not necessarily dryer down south. North west Victoria is flooding again. Alot of farmers here are getting a second cut of fodder, but are doing it as silage again as the regrowing grass and clover are green and juicy.

The hops that are left are growing the best they ever have, with two of them already growing along the overhead wires. The other two are quite small still, having been hit by snails and have to start from scratch again. The black passionfruits are kicking off finally with the extra heat and water.

Young Suzie (aka Shredder) decided that it was even more fun to demolish a paper bag from the inside.

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