20th February, 2024

A cloudy day, but showed no sign of the promised 5 - 10 mm of rain until well after dark. I don't know what we ended up getting, until I check the rain gauge tomorrow, but it feels fresher out there.

I only got 3 litres from Annie today. I suspect someone other than Abe is drinking. I might split her off with maybe Flora for a few days to see whether Abe takes the same amount when I know he is on his own with her.

I had a phone appointment with Dr Hadzik today. She is delighted that I am losing weight on the 0.6 dose and recommends staying at that as long as it is working. We worked through ideas about my foot pain and settled on taking a week off work in March and starting compression bandages and anti inflammatory medication to rule that in or out before proceeding to an MRI if there is no change.  

I am hoping for a chance to fly my drone again tomorrow and explore some of the more difficult areas on the farm from the air. I will keep it in line of sight for the time being, until I am more confident of my piloting. The manufacturer has a series of courses available for beginners, perhaps they will be good to do on my week off my feet. Let the drone do the walking !

Leigh is down at Launceston General Hospital. Following an incident in the cattle yards six weeks or so ago where a cow kicked him into the middle of next week and he was knocked out for a while, he has been cowed again. Another kick, directly to the head this time. He has lost some recent and older memories and is disoriented and a brain bleed is suspected. We are all hoping that treatment overnight will be swift and effective.

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