31st March, 2024

The weather today was pretty random, but when Thomas came over at 11am to help with some farm chores it was pretty hot and muggy.

We visited with the cows for a while, then took the dry feed block over the road to them. Then we did the major job for the day, rolling up and storing all the water pipe that had ended up in a pile next to the silo. Cows walking over it caused some kinks and squashed bits, but I'll worry about that when I go to use it. Now that it's all hanging in coils there shouldn't be any further damage.

After that we moved the little freezer from out the back of the craft room onto the covered area next to the dairy. I'll be storing feed bags in that. Then we moved Pete's fancy ladder over to the apple trees and I picked everything I could reach. Then we moved it around further and I'll pick again tomorrow.

Beaux from across the highway dropped over to return some of Geoff's tools that he had left at the dairy Beaux works at. He had some calf feeders in the back of his ute for sale, so I bought those, much cheaper than getting them new from the feed store. They're a bit old and sun dried, but they should do a couple of seasons each.

Kelly dropped over and swapped a pumpkin for a bag of rhubarb, and I sent Thomas home with a carton of eggs for Juliet. The artichoke flowers looked dramatic against the clouds this afternoon.

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