9th March, 2024

The forecast was for heatwave conditions, but by midday the temps had only reached 20 and there was sea fog and mizzle. By 4pm it had cleared and cranked up to 28. No wonder the plants are confused.

I separated Gizmo from Belle's herd and after breakfast put a halter on Annie and led him and her (as she is his mother) up the lane to Robyn's. Annie was keen for an adventure and pulled me all the way. We popped one of Robyn's tags in Gizmo as he had lost the one I put in him, and let him in with her herd of beefies. He will go with 20 odd of her stock on Wednesday and the proceeds will pay off some more debts.

Annie was just as keen to walk home at a fair clip so Robyn gave me a lift back behind her, saving me quite a slog. I tidied up the bale Annie's group have access to, it's behind a barrier so there is little waste, and moved Belle's group's dry feed block up by the water trough.

I had a good nap in the early afternoon and then started the fence clipping. The electric fence is off so as not to spark a fire, but it's so dry the cows will be pushing through it into the soak area soon. So I will have to clip the grass off the fence and turn it back on asap. I've done about half of the section powered by the 240V energiser, hopefully to finish that section tomorrow. 

We had a nice glass of wine as the sun went down, sitting at the new outdoor table. The cats think it's a great place to loll about too. I found another nest in the hayshed, not too many eggs so still fresh. I put some fake eggs in that to keep them laying there now that I know where it is.

My new wind chimes

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