15th April, 2024

A cold day, windy, scattered clouds moving fast.

Today was the day, finally, that settlement on the 75 acres happened. Finally. There's plenty more paperwork to do with the SMSF, mortgage and other debts, but everything from here on in is just process. Seven years of slog, I've reached the mountain top and it's a steady jog down the other side. I hope.

Today I dropped ten bags of recycling off to the tip, and the old screen from the cameras. That goes into electronic waste. I picked more hops, threw more apples into the dehydrator and folded washing. I let the cows into the back yard to eat the grass down and bought some cinnamon scrolls from the Amish shop.

I hunted eggs too, but either they have gone up a level in their hiding skills or they're off the lay. Alot of them are moulting, might be the end of the run for a while.

Roasted tomatoes

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