17th April, 2024

Two cool days, rain possible but not eventuating.

Mitre 10 decided to shortcut the warranty process for me and deal with the maker themselves. I dropped off the dud whipper snipper and they gave me a new one. I'd have been happier with a store credit to use on a different make and model, but maybe this one will work ok.

I moved all the fatty mob into the far end of the main paddock to eat down the longer grass there and let the rest of it, that was cut for hay, regrow as best it can before it gets cold. We did about ten laps of the paddock with me behind them on the quad trying to push them up the end. 

I was about to give up when for some reason they all just decided to get with the program and went quietly. I gave them a bale of Scott's grass hay and moved their lick block up under the trees. They have one of the scratchy mats screwed to a tree up there too.

Shadow brought a rat into the house and let it go. In the course of hunting it out we moved both lounges out from the wall and ended up swapping them over and rearranging all the other furniture. It still needs some refinement, and we will have to sort and store some dvds that we haven't used in years, but it will make better use of a very small lounge room.

The money to pay down my mortgage went straight into the mortgage account by EFT. Then for some reason they cut a bank cheque for the balance and walked that down to the branch to put it into the same account. I can't quite figure that one out. And why don't bank cheques clear immediately ? Surely a bank is good for the money .... when that clears I can move the required amount across to the SMSF fund and that will get the tax office off my case.

The SMSF rollover is a complex set of forms and timings and my accountant will guide me through that part. I have to drop in tomorrow and start signing stuff. I am still waiting to get Leigh's figures off him, but will get started in paying back the loan from Siobhan.

Sarge has a sore foot. He has a bad habit of parking himself directly behind my heels when I am working in the kitchen and I often trip over him when I step backwards. Yesterday he managed to get the same foot stepped on twice, quite hard, and he is a bit limpy on it. I feel sorry for him, but I don't think it's broken and it's definitely self inflicted. He didn't learn anything because he still does it.

After letting the cows into the back yard to eat it down, I found they'd rubbed on a tap and left it running all night. The perennial problem with cows is what will the break when they go somewhere new ? You don't need the proverbial bull in the china shop to get bovine chaos.

Star had another halter lesson, and she is learning very quickly. I am very pleased with her progress. We did a lap of the driveway and a bit of grazing on lead and some stopping and starting.

Geoff did an analysis of the power usage of the dehydrator, because it seems like it would be a hungry appliance. He said it takes about $1 of electricity to do a full batch, which is ten apples. That's way cheaper than buying them. I dried a few springs of the lemon licorice mint, and I think I will incorporate that with my pepperberry salt for a seasoning.

Lemon licorice mint.

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