7th April, 2024

A relatively cool and overcast one, 8.5mm of rain overnight. I have washing on the line, which just about guaranteed that it would be damp.

I brought Annie, Abe, Belle, Moose, Beanie, Selkie, Joey, Flora and Star back over. I split Belle, Beanie, Flora, Selkie and Moose off into the main paddock and the rest, the ones needing supplementary feed, into the barnyard/piggery/sheep shelter paddocks. I will pop Flora in with them tomorrow.

Thomas overslept and didn't show up. Charlie did drop by and helped me fix the hay forks on the tractor properly. I put out a round bale for Annie's crew, and put air in one of the tractor's front tyres that was looking rather flat. Charlie took five bales of the old small bale hay for his calves, it's getting close to mulch, but cattle still seem to fancy it. He also dropped Pete's ladder back to him for me.

I counted all fourteen chooks today, I was beginning to wonder if we were one short. There's only three laying, I suspect some are past it and others are moulting.

We made home made hamburgers for dinner, with square bed toast. The edges of the toast always end up hard and scratch up my mouth, but they never do when I just have jam on toast or vegemite on toast.

A photo of the sheep eating apples

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