Yesterday was another nice autumn day, today had scudding clouds and a short space of spitting rain. Not enough to measure. 5 to 10mm is forecast for tomorrow, we shall see.
After spending more time yesterday trying to get onto the help line for MyGovID, I did some internet searching and found an ATO question forum. I asked about MyGovID and super rollovers and they suggested either trying the process through the "combine super" function of Geoff's MyGov, or contacting Australia Post, who are the hosts of the rollover portal that my accountant uses, to see if they have an alternative ID option. Since I did my ID for the land transfer through the post office, that might be usable as an alternative.
In the meantime, today the accountant and I tried the combine super function and we are now awaiting the formal notification to arrive by email, hopefully with further instructions.
Annie's milk was becoming sweet again so I milked for the house this morning. It will be nice to have lovely creamy milk in my tea and on my porridge again. Yesterday she was full on all the quarters, but Abe was busy chasing Star around, who was on heat, so I can assume he was just distracted. It would be unusual for him to wean himself.
I put three big tyre tubs in the sheep paddock, feeding them their snack by hand was like being surrounded by woolly hippos and mugged... so now I mix it with chaff and divide it between the tubs and me feet remain unstomped. I also put another mineral block in their holder as they had finished the last one.
I haven't been able to do an office shift so far, because I need a 10hr break between shifts by law and I finish work on Friday night 9 1/2 hours before the start time for a Saturday office shift. Every second Friday I do 2pm to 7pm, so if either the office shift or my contract can shift by one week I could do the office shift after my earlier Friday shift. Otherwise it would be off the table, sigh.
I've been chasing lucerne cubes, and had been unable to find a source. These are 2 inch cubes of compressed lucerne that the cows love. They make great training rewards. I went onto facebook and the Hay and Feed for sale page and asked if anyone knew where to get some and was given a number of shops, including one in Scottsdale that I haven't used for feed.
I went there today and they sold the last bag of their last order three days ago (I have been looking for six months and missed by three days !) but they should be getting more soon and I have put my name down for two bags.
Geoff is liking his new phone, it has a very large screen and he can
even watch movies on it with our Netflix or Amazon Prime accounts. That
will be handy if he wants to watch one tv program and I want to watch
another. He can even put headphones on. He has also added an app that
helps him calculate cable sizes for electrical work.
And it has a "find my phone" feature that I can go on my laptop, log in and it shows where his phone is. Not enough definition for around the house, but it does show to about the nearest 20m. And I can make it ring from the computer to help locate it by sound if it is in the house.
I visited with Siobhan, who has had an operation, and then Geoff and I had dinner with Kelly and Derek at Lords Hotel.
Sandra Henderson "Bush Bounty"